Welcome to VSF!
Years ago, we fashioned a statement to which we aspired as we began the journey of becoming a church. Over the years, God has honored it and the words have become more precious to us. It reads. . .
“Knowing God together in honesty and love.”
Together, we continue to aspire to the truths of those words.
Our purpose in gathering is to come to know our personal God better and to encourage perseverance. We believe that happens best when we do it together, whether that be on a Sunday morning, in a small group, or over a meal. We believe that authenticity is critical to our spiritual health. We desire to live truthfully with each other, in a way that extends beyond our words and actions, including the energies of our hearts.
We trust that VSF is a safe place, a group of people who are not surprised by the depth of our sin while at the same time amazed at the extent of God's forgiveness and grace.
We love the church. We love our church. We simply try to follow the wind of God's Spirit, listening for what he has written on our hearts individually and corporately.
We think of ourselves as the community of the broken and of the forgiven. Perhaps as we seek to step out of hiding and into the mercy of God, we participate in unity with each other that touches our thirst and calls us on in our journey with God and each other.
We invite you to join us and know God together with us in honesty and love.
On behalf of our group,
The Elders
Valley Springs Fellowship