Other Events

The Opening

The Opening is a time for conversation and mutual upbuilding which takes place once per month at 9:00am prior to our regular Sunday service. Content can range from conversations about specific topics such as generosity, racial conciliation, and protecting the vulnerable in our community to more informational updates about recent mission and ministry opportunities.

Season-Shift Services

We believe that it is important to pause and take stock of how God is moving in our church family, and so at the beginning of each new season, we hold a Season-Shift Service. During this time, members of our church are invited to share with the broader church family different blessings and hardships from the last season.

End of the Month Meals

The table is the foundation for relationship. Following the final Sunday service each month, we share a meal as a church, joining together in fellowship and conversation. This is a sweet time of deepening old friendships and cultivating new ones. We hope you will join us.

Harvest Sunday

Each October, we communally reflect on all the ways we have enjoyed and experience God’s presence in the previous year. This tradition is loosely based on the Ancient Israelite tradition of the “Feast of Booths” in which the Israelites would remember God’s faithfulness to them while they wandered in the desert. We begin our celebration with an all-church picnic the Saturday prior, and we conclude our celebration with an expression of gratitude, a celebratory offering, and an all-church meal.

Ministry Update Meetings

At regular intervals throughout the year, we gather as a community to discuss the work of the various ministries at Valley Springs. Updates come from the leaders of our ministry committees as well as from our Elder Board.