Church History Class
Join us as we explore The Story of Christianity by Justo González, learning how the past shapes our faith today. This class helps us trace the roots of key beliefs, understand past divisions, and see how God has always been at work in the Church. Through reading and discussion, we’ll use history as a resource for wisdom, faithfulness, and hope. All are welcome!
Game Night
Game Night will be an enjoyable and entertaining occasion, filled with friendly competition, engaging fun, and plenty of laughter. We encourage everyone to bring a game to share with others. Dinner will be provided for everyone to enjoy!

End of the Month Carry-in
Immediately following the service, we invite everyone to join us for a time of togetherness. Please bring a dish to share with others, as we will all gather to enjoy fellowship and the company of friends.
The Opening
Join us on the first Sunday of each month for a meaningful time to come together and engage in discussions about passages from the Bible, Jesus, and other important topics that resonate deeply with our hearts and minds. It is a wonderful opportunity to explore our faith and share insights with one another.
The Opening
Join us on the first Sunday of each month for a meaningful time to come together and engage in discussions about passages from the Bible, Jesus, and other important topics that resonate deeply with our hearts and minds. It is a wonderful opportunity to explore our faith and share insights with one another.